11 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Coffee You Don't Know

Jan 23 , 2023

Levista India


Whether you carry your coffee mug on your daily run or simply love to sip on cold coffee when you work, it’s pretty hard to imagine a day without it. 

Thanks to the caffeine in it, a steaming cup of coffee has a calming effect on you in addition to energising you. However, the real question is, is coffee healthy for you?

And the short and simple answer to it is: YES, it is. 

That’s right. Your everyday cup of joe is bursting with beneficial ingredients including antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals, ease inflammation, and prevent disease.

Make sure you read the blog post until the end to learn more about the beverage's numerous amazing benefits and how they can improve your general health and wellbeing.

How much coffee is too much coffee?

For the majority of healthy adults, 400 mg of caffeine per day seems to be safe. That is roughly equivalent to the quantity of caffeine in two energy drinks, ten cans of cola, or four cups of freshly brewed coffee.

Though caffeine usage may be harmless for adults, it's not recommended for kids. Adolescents and young adults need to be warned against excessive consumption of coffee or mixing it with alcohol and other drugs.

Pregnant women, nursing women, and women trying to get pregnant should consult their doctors about their caffeine intake and must make sure to keep their coffee consumption only around 200 mg per day.

11 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Coffee


1. Increases energy levels


As we know, coffee is rich in caffeine. When consumed in moderation, caffeine can increase your energy levels by speeding up your metabolism and releasing adrenaline, the brain hormone that releases energy.

2. Short-term memory boost


Although it's unclear how long the impact lasts or how it can vary from person to person, caffeine seems to affect the specific brain regions that are crucial for memory and focus, boosting short-term memory.

3. Enhances gut health


Numerous studies have revealed that those who drink coffee have a diversified gut microbiome. This is mostly linked to coffee's soluble fibre and prebiotic properties, which support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and enhance gut health in general.

4. Lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how the body uses sugar.

By enabling the body's use of insulin and safeguarding cells that produce insulin, coffee is believed to lower the chance of developing diabetes and enable effective blood sugar regulation.

5. Rich source of antioxidants


Antioxidants combat inflammation, which is a primary factor in the development of many chronic illnesses, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, and various cancers. Coffee has greater antioxidant benefits than the two antioxidant stalwarts, cocoa and tea. 

6. Promotes heart health


In comparison to heavy, light, and nondrinkers, moderate coffee drinkers (who drank between 2-4 cups daily) have a 20% lower risk of heart disease.

There is some evidence to suggest that coffee may promote heart health by preventing the inflammatory damage to the arteries.

7. Helps prevent certain cancers


Coffee contains antioxidant phytochemicals called polyphenols, which have been shown to have anticarcinogenic qualities. These antioxidants are also believed to help lessen inflammation, which has been further linked to several cancers.

Additionally, studies have shown that regular coffee consumption lowers breast, colon, liver, and rectal cancers.

8. Good for your liver


Regular and decaffeinated coffee both tend to protect your liver. According to research, coffee consumers are more likely to have liver enzyme levels within a healthy range than non-drinkers.

9. Increases physical activity


In addition to reducing fatigue and enhancing performance, caffeine also enhances muscle contraction, lessens the exerciser's feeling of pain, and boosts fatty acids in the blood, which supports endurance.

10. Enhances skin health


Coffee is also good for your skin. Caffeine and polyphenols like chlorogenic acids (CGA) found in coffee beans have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actions that prevent photoaging.

Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne can also be improved by using liquid coffee on the skin or a scrub prepared from the grounds.

11. Coffee curbs depression


Coffee consumption has been associated with lower rates of depression in both men and women. 

It is well known that caffeine stimulates neurotransmitters with mood-regulating abilities. The hormones serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with feeling happy, are stimulated by coffee consumption.

Enjoy authentic Coorg Coffee at Levista!

Different people like different types of coffee. Levista has a selection of unique blends that are sure to please any coffee connoisseur!

Levista carefully chooses the best coffee beans from their Coorg estates, then roasts, blends, grinds, and processes them for the perfect cup with uncompromising dedication to quality.

Levista aspires to carry the traditional flavour of our culture while providing coffee lovers with a genuinely memorable coffee experience.


In a nutshell, drinking coffee is actually healthy in reality, even if you drink it everyday. The key is moderate consumption. For most adults, keeping their daily coffee intake to four cups or less is considered healthy and beneficial.

While enjoying coffee is a part of your lifestyle, other aspects like eating a balanced diet, exercising, and keeping a healthy weight have a greater impact on your health. But of course, including coffee to your diet is indeed a delightful addition!

What’s your favourite Levista coffee recipe? Let us know in the comments below!


Is drinking coffee good for health?

For most people, a healthy diet can include moderate coffee consumption. 2-5 cups of coffee consumption per day are considered to be more healthy than harmful.

What happens if you drink coffee everyday?

Drinking coffee everday is not unhealthy if you consume it in moderation. However, high coffee intake in large amounts may result in headache, agitation, anxiety, ringing in the ears, and irregular pulse.

Is coffee OK on empty stomach?

Coffee on an empty stomach is not likely to harm your stomach, but it possibly could cause heartburn.

Is coffee good for skin?

Coffee beans contain chlorogenic acids (CGA), which can help reduce inflammation brought on by skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis, and acne.

What is unhealthy about coffee?

Due to the high caffeine level in coffee, there are potential risks to coffee. For instance, it might temporarily increase blood pressure. Caffeine should be avoided by pregnant women, women who are nursing, or those attempting to get pregnant.

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