How to Brew Coffee - 7 Popular Methods

Dec 23 , 2022

Levista India


Did you know? 


  • The correct pronunciation of "espresso" has long been a contention among coffee enthusiasts. However, those who refer to it as an "expresso" aren't entirely incorrect.
  • Espresso is an Italian word that means "expressed" or "pressed out." It is because espresso is made by forcing extremely hot water under high pressure through finely-ground coffee beans. 

When you wake up and enjoy a cup of coffee before heading to work, you may think about how important coffee is. If you're like the 1 billion people who drink coffee worldwide, you can always learn a new coffee brewing trick or two. Though there's nothing wrong with a standard auto-drip coffee maker, it only sometimes does freshly roasted beans the justice they deserve. Brewing coffee is an art, so you need to contribute some effort to make it right.

Six Tips for Brewing Coffee at Home

Brewing coffee at home doesn't have to be difficult, and with the proper techniques, your homebrew can be as tasty as the coffee served in our cafes. If you follow these six simple tips, you'll be well on your way to improving your homebrewed coffee! 
  • Use fresh, whole beans: Aromatic compounds in roasted coffee beans contribute significantly to the coffee's complex and delicious aroma and flavour. Using only fresh coffee and grinding right before brewing will help you get the most flavour out of your beans!
  • Use a scale: Because the size and density of different coffees and blends can vary greatly, a tablespoon of one coffee may weigh significantly less than a tablespoon of another. Using a scale allows you to measure by weight (rather than volume), ensuring that you know exactly how much goes into your cup no matter what coffee you use.
  • Use the right amount of coffee: The amount of coffee used in relation to the amount of water used to brew the coffee determines how strong or weak the cup will be. The stronger the cup, the more coffee you use; the softer the cup, the less coffee you use.
  • Grind at the correct coarseness: Espresso generally requires a fine grind, pour-overs, AeroPresses a medium grind, and French presses a coarse grind. Adjusting your grind setting to time and taste will make you one step closer to making delicious coffee at home.
  • Use filtered water: Did you know that approximately 98.5% of brewed coffee is simply water? It means that the water's quality and taste significantly impact how your brewed coffee tastes. If the water you're using tastes bad or has strange odours, so will your coffee. One of the best things you can do for your morning cup is purified water.
  • Thoroughly saturate your coffee: Make sure that all the ground coffee comes into contact with water simultaneously. While the coffee may be fully saturated when you first add water to your pour-over or French press, dry coffee pockets are uncommon. The best way to ensure that all of your coffee is wet is to give it a quick, light stir right after adding water during the bloom phase.

7 Popular Methods to Brew Coffee

Coffee has evolved throughout the globe. As a result of the passage of time and changes in location, the way people consume coffee has evolved. Read on to learn about world-famous techniques for coffee lovers to brew coffee.

1. Cold Brew Method


Coffee is more than just being hot. Cold brewing was one of the most popular brewing methods before introducing iced coffee. Cold-brew coffee has a smooth and icy flavour and an almost sweet taste. Steeping the grounds for this amount of time extracts the flavours and sugars. With this method of brewing coffee, you can achieve a robust cup with no overpowering bitterness or acidity. That's because the cold water slowly extracts those compounds, preventing you from getting a bitter cup.

Pro tip: To make a cold brew, soak coarsely ground coffee beans in room temperature water with a filter for 12-20 hours. You can make loads of coffee at once because it lasts two weeks.

2. French Press Method


Brewing coffee with a French Press is widely regarded as one of the best and simplest methods available. It has a smooth, distinct, and consistent coffee flavour that complements milk and cream. This method of brewing coffee produces a more classic flavour than any other method, which is very French!

Pro tip: In a press pot, soak, steep, and strain ground coffee in hot water to better diffuse and preserve coffee's essential oils and antioxidants. It produces the purest coffee flavours and allows you to make large pots of coffee at once.

3. AeroPress Method


The AeroPress method is also known for producing diverse and versatile flavours. It results in a truly unique and delicious cup of coffee. Compared to a French press, this method of brewing coffee has a richer flavour and a more nuanced coffee with more body. AeroPress is a simple three-piece tool that guides you through making smooth, rich coffee with minimal effort.

Pro tip: To achieve that rich flavour and good body texture, use the standard AeroPress method. It's typically where you immerse the grounds for a few seconds.

4. Pour-Over Method


The pour-over method is one of the most basic, inexpensive, and quick ways to make a delicious cup of coffee in the morning. If done correctly, this brewing method will produce a more affluent and smoother coffee flavour than other methods.

Pro tip: With a pour-over brewer, you can ensure even water distribution over the coffee grounds, give the coffee time to bloom, and get the perfect water temperature. With a pour brewing method, you can also easily adjust the strength and vibrancy of your brew.

5.  Filter Method with Chemex


The Chemex Coffee Maker is a pour-over coffee brewer with an hourglass-shaped glass flask. The Chemex is stunning in its simplicity (which draws coffee lovers in). Chemex brewing produces an exceptional flavour, producing a pure, robust, clean cup of coffee. It provides a rich coffee flavour that allows your taste and preferences to shine.

6.  Stovetop with Moka Pot


Brewing coffee with a Moka pot is another brewing method that uses pressure from the steam of boiling water. With no fancy or even expensive equipment, it produces a shot of coffee that is vicious or consistent, like an espresso.

Although this method of brewing is simple, it still results in a cup of coffee with a whole body and vibrant aroma. Additionally, because the Moka pot uses a pressurised brewing method, anticipate a robust cup of coffee from it.

Pro tip: Although straightforward, you might need help understanding it. Additionally, if the coffee is not brewed correctly, it can become very strong or bitter.

Therefore, use extreme caution, constant flame monitoring, and the right grind to at least prevent it.

7. Turkish Brewing Method


Middle Eastern coffee is brewed in the Turkish style using magnificent grounds. In a unique long-handled pot called a "cezve," you must combine sugar and powdered coffee grounds. Then boil this mixture until it begins to foam, take it off the heat, and repeat the procedure until it becomes incredibly foamy. You'll mix up a potent, flavorful beverage with an intriguing texture. One cup of coffee takes 3–4 minutes to prepare. Turkish coffee is fantastic if you enjoy strong black coffee.

Pro tip: Pouring the coffee slowly preserves the iconic texture of Turkish coffee, which is key to the whole experience!

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure everything your coffee will touch is as close to the brewing temperature as possible before you start brewing.
  • Set up your filter by soaking it in hot water and letting it drain before brewing a pour-over. It heats the filter to the proper temperature and removes a significant amount of the paper flavour. 
  • Ensure all ground coffee is in contact with water at the same time when brewing coffee.

Wrapping Up

There, you have it! We hope the above-listed brewing techniques gave you valuable insights on how to brew coffee for coffee lovers. There are new and advanced coffee brewing techniques available, just as there are in today's evolving technology.

But for now, try experimenting with and exploring these various brewing methods to help you find the perfect technique for making the perfect cup of joe. After all, what matters is that you enjoy your coffee as thoughtfully as you prepared it.


1.How much coffee do I use for 2 cups of water?

For two cups, 16 oz of water and four tablespoons of coffee will do, and for three cups, 24 oz of water and six tablespoons of coffee will taste great.

2.What are the four fundamentals of coffee?

There are four fundamentals required to make great-tasting coffee. They are- proportion, grind, water, and freshness. Following these four guidelines everytime you make coffee ensures a amazing cup.

3.What are the four enemies of coffee?

The four enemies of coffee are- light, air, moisture, and heat. Store your beans at room temperature in an opaque, airtight container to keep their freshly roasted flavour for a longer time.

4.How do you make coffee taste better without machine?

For a taste boost, use vanilla essence or vanilla beans. To infuse vanilla flavour before brewing, add a vanilla bean to your coffee grounds or a few drops of pure extract to your pot of coffee.

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