7 Reasons why Coffee is Better than Tea

Dec 01 , 2022

Levista India


Quote for the day: Zinda hona coffee (kaafi) nahi hain, you need a kick to keep you going!  For many of us, it is coffee! 

There is no clear winner between coffee and tea; however, the choice comes down to the health benefits you are looking for. Many people are passionate about their coffee and tea tastes. That could be because both drinks are frequently consumed daily. Many coffee drinkers enjoy a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It gives them a significant energy boost and is essential to their morning routines.

Do you want your body to be enriched with several powerful antioxidants? Coffee is rich in several powerful antioxidants, including hydroxycinnamic acids and polyphenols.

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant for your central nervous system, which is why it is a performance enhancer in sports. According to Statista, 29% of people drink coffee to relax and enhance their energy levels. According to research, caffeine has improved performance in simple and complex tasks.

Whether you prefer tea or coffee, there are major benefits to drinking a cup of joe. Not to mention the incredible flavour richness and that fantastic feeling you get after taking your first sip of the day.

From a simple cup of joe from your kitchen's electric coffee maker to artisan coffee shops with delicate latte art, the smell of freshly brewed coffee can't be beaten. A study of 48 people who were given a drink containing either 75 or 150 mg of caffeine revealed improvements in reaction times, memory, and information processing, compared with the control group. 

Why is Coffee Better than Tea?

The reasons to love caffeine are endless; however, we have compiled seven important reasons why coffee is many people's beverage choices and vital for their routines, without which they would not kick start their mornings! Sorry tea drinkers. 

1. A Brewing Method for Everyone


There are several brewing methods for coffee lovers! If you're a coffee lover, you probably already have a favourite brewing method. Maybe you'd like to shake things up and try a new variety. Let us have a look at several brewing methods, which are as follows: 

- French Press coffee: It's quick and easy to make. It makes rich, slightly textured coffee and is a good way to make several cups at once. It has a strong, distinctive flavour, which is easy to brew.  

Also read: To make French press coffee, fill the press halfway with medium-coarse coffee. Pour in boiling water and steep for 3 to 4 minutes. Then remove the filter and serve.

Automatic drip coffee: Auto-drip machines are a popular and user-friendly option because they are simple and great for brewing for a large group.

Also read: To brew with a drip machine, use medium coffee grounds and water. The rest of the brewing is done by the machine, which heats the water and drips it through the grounds into a pot or carafe.

Speciality pour-overs: One of the most popular brewing methods, and ideal for those who enjoy taking their time and creating a ritual out of their daily cup of coffee.However, it isn't easy to find any that has the same range of flavours and notes as coffee (and for good reasons). Coffee is better than tea because it is typically more robust and flavorful. Tea may not have as many flavour notes, so your options are limited.

2. Coffee Could Lower the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes


The relationship between coffee and type 2 Diabetes is being studied. However, increased caffeine consumption has been linked to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Harvard University researchers concluded in a 2014 study. 

Another study by a different group of researchers concluded that the link between caffeine and a lower risk of type 2 diabetes could be due to three significant compounds in coffee.

The compounds they discovered (caffeine, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, or CGA) may be the components of coffee that reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But not all teas could be beneficial while reducing type 2 Diabetes. 


    Did you know? 

Other research suggests that caffeine may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity.

A meta-analysis of nine studies involving 193,473 people found that drinking coffee regularly significantly reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


3. Boosts Energy Levels


Coffee consists of caffeine, a central nervous stimulant, that helps to fight exhaustion and fatigue and increase energy levels. Caffeine blocks the receptors of an adenosine neurotransmitter, which raises levels of other neurotransmitters in your brain that regulate your energy levels, such as dopamine. 

Fewer people associate their morning cup of coffee with their body's need for essential nutrients. They're frequently just trying to get enough energy for the day. Coffee is one of the leading antioxidants in one's diet, consisting of essential nutrients, like magnesium, that significantly fight diseases and even positively affects our blood sugar. Other antioxidants and benefits are as follows: 

  • Melanoidins: Antibacterial properties that can help prevent illness.
  • Chlorogenic acid has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with pain management in the body.
  • Cafestol: This could be the source of the positive associations between coffee and improved brain function and memory. 


Did you know? 

Long-term human studies and additional research analysing larger pools of evidence indicate that coffee may also protect against other types of cancer, such as breast, colon, bladder, and rectum cancer.


4. Fancy Coffees you can Recreate in your Kitchen


The best advantage of coffee is that you can keep it simple or make it fancier. Have you ever walked down the grocery store coffee aisle and marvelled at the infinite variety of flavours and roasts? The various sweeteners and creamers that blend to enhance the flavours of your favourite caffeine make it even more enjoyable to drink.

You can experiment with new syrups and creamers whenever you want and have a different flavoured cup of coffee, no matter your mood. Spruce your daily caffeine rush with a variety of coffee flavours. 

  • Iced mocha during winters
  • Iced caramel Latte that comes with the satisfying notes of caramel to boot! 

And many more.Cold caffeine drinks, particularly cold brew, have increased coffee's popularity among younger generations. Coffee was once popular among older working adults who needed a boost of energy to start their day. However, millennials and Generation Z have emerged as some of the most voracious consumers of beverages such as iced coffee and cold brew. There are several varieties of coffee; however, they would not provide that kick to start your day with exotic flavours. 

5. Possible Weight Loss Benefits


Are you astounded by the fact that coffee can help in weight management? Don't be surprised because research shows that coffee may help you lose weight due to high caffeine concentration. 

Did you know? 
Caffeine may increase the number of calories you burn by 13% and maintain this effect for 3 hours after intake, translating into an extra 79–150 calories burned. A study of 455 people found that drinking coffee regularly was associated with lower body fat tissue. A review of 12 studies found similar results, indicating that chlorogenic acid aids weight loss and fat metabolism.


6. It can Lower the Risk of Depression and Increase Happiness


Coffee can impact our emotions and help to enhance them. The long and detailed explanation is that coffee causes our brains to release dopamine. Dopamine is a brain chemical that can make us feel happy or euphoric.

Many people feel tired or grumpy when they wake up, which often lasts until they have their morning coffee. In a nutshell, consistent consumption of coffee is related to increased happiness and positive thinking. The study reveals that caffeine protects against depression, while tea is less effective. 

    Did you know? 
A research study revealed that drinking 2 to 4 cups of coffee helps reduce the risk of depression among men and women.


7. You can Always Switch to Decaf

A cup of coffee is usually a source of energy for several individuals. However, are you among those who have adverse reactions to caffeine? Like indigestion or trouble sleeping? Decaf coffee often has the same flavours and a sense of comfort as regular coffee but without the adverse reactions that caffeine can cause.

Another advantage of decaf coffee is that it retains many of the same health benefits as regular coffee because it contains many antioxidants linked to the benefits mentioned earlier in this blog. 

Key Takeaways 

  • Coffee has several benefits that help to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety and many more. Regular consumption would help to enhance energy levels. 
  • Caffeine can help to reduce chronic diseases and enhance athletic performance, mood, and mental alertness. 
  • Both tea and coffee tend to increase energy levels. However, coffee helps to give you an instant kick and improve your morning routines. 

Wrapping Up

Why is coffee better than tea? The coffee and tea debate doesn't seem to be going anywhere soon. While many people enjoy tea and coffee, many have strong opinions about which is superior.

Please share your thoughts on whether coffee or tea is preferable in the comments below.

Kickstart your morning routine with Levista coffee. For over 60 years, Levista has meticulously delivered the best of what the coffee industry has to offer into your cup. 

After it has been roasted, blended, ground, and processed, your next cup of coffee will have unwavering dedication and quality!

What is a preferable morning beverage, coffee or tea?

Coffee is a preferable morning beverage for many as it has energising effects and a rich flavour. It is also a popular drink worldwide and widely consumed to start the day.

Which is better for the brain, tea or coffee?

Coffee is considered to be better for the brain as it contains caffeine which boosts mental alertness and increases focus. However, tea also has its benefits such as antioxidants.

Does tea have caffeine content?

Yes, tea does contain caffeine content, but typically it is low when compared to coffee.

What is the caffeine content of coffee and tea?

Coffee has higher levels of caffeine content. It has around 95 mg on an average and tea has around 47 mg on an average.

What is the major difference between coffee and tea?

Coffee is made from roasted coffee beans and tea is made from steeping dried leaves in hot water.

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