5 Tips on How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Apr 28 , 2023

Levista India


Coffee is so popular and consumed by many people daily. Brewing the perfect cup of coffee requires choosing the right type of beans, understanding the roasting process, and grinding beans correctly. However, for an effortless experience, you can choose Levista, which gives you the ultimate coffee experience.

Different types of beans have unique flavours from different parts of the world. Roasting brings out distinctive flavours in each bean variety, while grinding determines how quickly hot water extracts flavours. Techniques for brewing, such as drip-brewing, French press, and espresso machines, impact taste significantly. This blog is all about tips on how to make perfect cup of coffee.

Master the Art of Coffee-Making with these 5 Tips


If you are tired of mediocre coffee that just doesn't hit the spot and want to learn how to make perfect cup of coffee perfectly, keep the following simple and easy tips in mind:

1# Use the right amount of coffee

Using the right amount of coffee is crucial in brewing the perfect cup. Too little and your coffee will taste weak, while too much will result in a bitter flavour. So how do you know how much to use?

    • It is important to measure your coffee by weight rather than volume. 
    • Using a digital scale will ensure accuracy and consistency in every brew.
    • As a general rule, use 1-2 tablespoons of ground coffee per 200 ml of water. 
    • This can also vary depending on personal preference and the specific type of beans you are using.
    • Experiment with different amounts until you find what works best for you. 
  • Using more coffee doesn't always result in a better quality or stronger flavour. It's all about finding the right balance between the amount of coffee beans and water used in the brewing process. By this, you can enjoy the perfect cup of coffee every time.

  • 2# Avoid using pre-ground coffee

    If you are looking to brew the perfect cup of coffee, one thing you should definitely avoid is pre-ground coffee. Though it may be convenient and readily available at your local grocery store, using pre-ground coffee can lower the taste of the cup of enjoyment. 

    • When coffee beans are ground, they begin to lose their flavour and aroma almost immediately. The longer, the more those essential oils evaporate into thin air.
    • Also, different brewing methods require different grind sizes, e.g., coarse ground for French press and fine ground for espresso. 
    • Some pre-ground coffee contains filler ingredients or low-quality beans that can negatively impact the overall taste of your brew.

    3# Choose the right brewing method

    When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of coffee, choosing the right brewing method is important. Each method brings out different flavours and characteristics in the coffee beans, so it's important to choose one that suits your taste preferences.

    • One popular brewing method is the French press. In this method, the process is steeping coarsely ground coffee in hot water for several minutes before plunging down a metal filter to separate the grounds from the brew. It results in a flavourful cup of coffee.
    • Another option is pour-over brewing, which involves pouring hot water over finely ground coffee in a cone-shaped filter, resulting in a cup with a subtle flavour.
    • Next are the machines, which automatically heat water and distribute it evenly over pre-packaged ground coffee, resulting in consistent cups every time.
    • Another popular method is filter coffee. Hot water passes through ground coffee beans, and a filter in the process of filter coffee. It produces a smooth and balanced cup of coffee with intense flavours.

    4# Store your coffee beans properly

    Did you know that how you store your coffee beans can impact the flavour of your cup of coffee? To keep your coffee fresh and flavourful, it is important to store your beans properly. Here are some tips to ensure that your coffee stays fresh for longer:

    • Always make sure to buy whole-bean coffee instead of pre-ground. This is because whole beans retain their freshness for longer than pre-ground options. Once you have purchased the right type of beans, it's important to find a cool and dry place to store them.
    • Avoid storing your coffee in areas with high humidity or direct sunlight, as this can lead to moisture buildup and spoilage. A pantry or cupboard away from light sources is a great option.
    • An airtight container is also key in maintaining freshness. Oxygen exposure can cause oxidation which will quickly degrade the quality of the beans. 
    • Only grind what you need before brewing. Grinding all the beans at once releases essential oils within the bean, making them weak to oxygen exposure.

    5# Keep your coffee maker clean

    One of the most important things you can do to ensure a great cup of coffee is to keep your coffee maker clean. 

    • Over time, mineral buildup from hard water and coffee grind particles from old brews can build up in your machine or tool, leading to an off-taste and even potential health hazards.
    • It can be any type of coffee machine or coffee brewing tool like a South Indian coffee filter, french press, or a coffee machine. 
    • For coffee machines, follow the instructions given by the brand for cleaning. As for tools such as South Indian filters, heat the filter holes over the fire and gently tap them to eliminate any accumulated dust particles.

    Awaken your Senses with the Aroma and Flavour of Fresh Coffee Beans


    Understanding the different types of coffee beans and their flavour profiles is essential for any coffee lover. But does the taste of coffee depend solely on the bean, or is the roasting process equally crucial?

    Is it about coffee beans?

    • The two most common and popular types are Arabica and Robusta. 
    • Arabica beans are known for their superior taste profile, with a mild acidity that creates a smooth finish. They're often grown at higher altitudes, which gives them a more complex flavour profile.
    • On the other hand, Robusta beans have a stronger taste and higher caffeine content than Arabica. These hardy plants can grow in lower elevations and are generally considered to be easier to cultivate.
    • Within these two categories also lie several subtypes of coffee beans with unique flavour profiles, such as Bourbon or Typica, which both belong to the Arabica family.
    • It's important to note that where the coffee is grown plays an essential role in determining its overall flavour. 

    Is it about coffee bean roasting?

    • The roasting process is a crucial step in the production of coffee as it brings out the unique flavour profiles of each type of bean. During the roasting process, green coffee beans are heated until they reach their desired level of roast.
    • Roasting can impact the acidity, body, and aroma of your cup of coffee. The longer you roast your beans, the darker they become, which results in a stronger and more bitter taste.
    • There are different types of roasts, including light, medium and dark. Lightly roasted beans have a lighter colour and milder taste, while dark roasted ones give off an intense smoky flavour profile.

    The flavour is the most important aspect when it comes to coffee. Whether you prefer a bold, strong cup of coffee or a mild and more subtle flavour, the taste of your coffee will depend on both what kind of bean you choose as well as the roasting level of the coffee bean. Levista Coffee offers a wide variety of coffee blends, carefully crafted using only the finest quality beans sourced and roasted to perfection.

    Unveiling the World of Brewing

    There are many different methods to brew coffee, each with its unique taste and characteristics. The most common brewing processes include drip brewing, French press, pour-over, espresso, and the South Indian filter coffee method.

    Drip Coffee

    French Press

    South Indian Filter

    Pour-over Coffee


    Drip brewing is the most popular method of making coffee at home and in some cafes and restaurants in India. The process entails pouring hot water onto coffee grounds filled in a filter basket. The brewed coffee drips into a carafe below while retaining some of the oils and flavours from the beans.

    French press is another popular brewing process where coarsely ground beans steep in hot water for several minutes before being pressed through a metal filter. This method produces a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee with more flavour than drip brewing.

    The South Indian filter is a popular method of making coffee in southern India. It involves placing finely ground coffee powder in a metal filter, pouring hot water over it, and allowing the coffee to drip into a container below. This method produces a strong, flavourful coffee with a unique taste that is often enjoyed with milk and sugar. 

    Pour-over is similar to drip brewing but requires more attention to detail as it involves slowly pouring hot water over finely ground beans placed in a paper or cloth filter. This method results in clean-tasting coffee with subtle flavour notes.

    Espresso is made using high-pressure steam passing through finely-ground dark roast beans resulting in an intense shot of concentrated caffeine mixed with steamed milk for lattes or cappuccinos.

    Each brew type has its unique taste profile suitable for different preferences, so experiment with various types until you find your favourite.

    How to Make Perfect and Authentic South Indian Filter Coffee

    South Indian filter coffee, also known as "kaapi," is a popular beverage among coffee lovers in India. It has a unique taste and aroma that sets it apart from other types of coffee. To make the perfect cup of South Indian filter coffee, follow these simple steps.

    • Firstly, you'll need a South Indian coffee filter. This set consists of two cylindrical cups, one with small holes at the bottom for filtering out grounds and another to hold the brewed coffee.
    • Next, grind freshly roasted beans into a fine powder. Add 2-3 tablespoons of this powder to the top section of your filter set.
    • Boil water in a separate vessel until it reaches boiling point. Pour hot water over the ground beans slowly and let it drip down through the filter into your second cup.
    • Add 1-2 teaspoons sugar per serving size while still warm. Stir well until dissolved before adding milk for an authentic taste.
    • Enjoy the coffee in the dabara set by pouring hot coffee back and forth between each cup multiple times until a smooth, creamy froth appears on top. It enhances both flavour and texture, making it rich and delicious.

    Explore the Authentic Flavour Profile of Coffee With Levista

    Explore the authentic flavours of coffee with Levista. We have a range of coffee products. We are known for our authentic, high-quality instant coffee and filter coffee, made specially to provide consumers with a convenient way to enjoy a great cup of coffee. We have a range of filter coffee perfect for those who enjoy a traditional cup of South Indian filter coffee. 


    What is the best type of coffee bean for brewing?

    The best type of coffee bean for brewing depends on your personal taste preference. Arabica beans are known to have a softer, sweeter taste, while Robusta beans have a stronger, more bitter taste.

    Does the roasting process affect the caffeine content in coffee?

    Yes, the roasting process does impact the caffeine content in coffee. Darker roasted coffees may appear to have less caffeine.

    Can coffee grounds be reused?

    Reusing coffee grounds is not recommended as it can result in a weaker and less flavourful cup of coffee.

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